After arriving in Vancouver from Calgary, I had to hurry to the China southern air booth to get my connecting flight’s ticket to Guangzhou and subsequently, to Phnom Penh, as my layover was only an hour. Once boarded, my flight companions on this 13 hour journey would be a middle aged lady from Delhi and am elderly woman from what I could only assume was the Guangzhou area. The elderly lady kept on trying to spark a conversation in Cantonese with me however, when I finally communicated to her that I was Chinese but didn’t speak Chinese she couldn’t understand why. I’m a master of deception out here. Also, it’s when I travel when I really appreciate having English as a first language. For example, watching the East Indian from Delhi order a diet coke with ice from the Chinese flight attendant through broken English needed some intervention if my nap was going to continue, but I’m getting off topic.
After landing, I had a 18 hour lay over and had originally planned on crashing on some airport couches. However, the customs agent noticed that my flight wasn’t until tomorrow and told me they would put me up in a hotel for free, an offer I couldn’t refuse. There was about 10 of us that they shuttled to the hotel and it was I’m that group where I met an Aussie named Jordy. Once we were checked in we set out on the town, first eating at a noodle house (we knew it was authentic because the owners didn’t speak a lick of English and there were a lot of locals). We then grabbed some beers and walked town around before crashing for the night.
