After a late night which translated to a late morning, I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and got some breakfast. I went to the hawker food court and felt immediately better after getting some food in me. I then washed yesterday’s stink off and headed off to the Singapore zoo.

The Singapore zoo is like no zoo I’ve seen before. While I still think the San Diego zoo tops it, it has a very different approach in displaying its animals. It’s gone after the open concept with very few exhibits actually having glass or fences separating the people from the animals. For example, the monkeys just had a little moat separating their exhibit from the people and could have easily crossed it (a few of the monkeys would actually just be hanging out on the road right above the people). How they get the animals to stay in their pens I have no idea.


While there were many crazy animals, the main attraction were the white tigers. While white tigers to normally exist (they’re not albino), tigers have a gene in them that actually causes them to be white and have blue eyes.


After spending all afternoon at the zoo, I headed back downtown to grab a bite to eat. I has originally planned on just eating at the hawker centre again but I noticed I was passing one of the nicest malls in Singapore called Ion. So I jumped off the train and grabbed a bite to eat in the food court before doing a little shopping. Strangely enough, as far as shopping goes, I think Malaysia is better than Singapore. The mall itself is a crazy design (seems to be the trend here). The buildings are giant glass balls with TVs all along the outside. Half the mall is also underground and is connected right to the train station.


Today is going to be a tame night (is the plan anyways). Tomorrow I’m planning to hit up an island just south of Singapore where their suppose to have a really cool marina. Oh and beaches. I’m looking forward to beaches.