With one last day to roam the city I decided to take it easy today. After grabbing a bite to eat at the food stalls I set off on a walking tour of the city. A little history first though. When the British first settled this area, Singapore became a very diverse area with lots of Europeans, Chinese, Malays and Indians. To avoid racial tensions they segregated the population into areas, the biggest ones bring Chinese, Indian and Arabic. Due to this segregation, the populations kept their cultures and developed each part of their city accordingly giving way to a very distinct Chinatown, Indian town, colonial district and Arab area.

The first part of my tour took me through the colonial area where the Europeans and other westerners would have stayed and the building look like exactly that. The famous one is the Raffles hotel (now converted into a shopping district) and it looks very Victorian like. Large cavernous halls with beams decent down And switch back stair cases going up.


After the colonial district I ventured down into little India where again, there is a stark district I’m the air (and not just because of the curry). Hinduism is everywhere along with mosques. Indians restaurants line the streets along with vendors and their wares reflect the culture.


The last part of the tour was Chinatown…which was basically like all the other Chinatowns I’ve been to except this one had a huge monastery.


I then crashed at a cafe and enjoyed the last little bit of warm weather I’ll be seeing in months. I hear it’s minus 5 with snow in Calgary. I leave for my flight tomorrow at 430AM so it’s an early night for me. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog as much as I have writing it. Cheers!

Picture of the Day:

After searching in 4 countries and 7 cities for 23 days, I found my book! (Yes I realize it’s for teens)